Outdoor Education

At Préfleuri outdoor education has a part to play in all of our student’s development, no matter what their level of ability and experience.

Surrounded by nature Préfleuri is perfectly situated to deliver an outdoor programme that enables discovery, experimentation, learning about and connecting to the natural world, whilst engaging in environmental and adventure activities.

A rich, open environment will continuously present alternative choices for creative engagement. A rigid, bland environment will limit healthy growth and development of the individual or the group.

Inspired by an ‘outdoor education’ approach we aim to put our students in contact with our natural environment. By going out into the forest with the pupils, they learn to respect it and forge a bond with it. Currently, human beings are increasingly confronted with the virtual world. Television, tablets and smartphones allow people to learn and search for information at any time on any subject, but they are also objects that separate people from the real world around them.

By committing to learning both inside and outside the classroom, we are able to teach our students that learning occurs everywhere, at all times. Real life scenarios help our students understand better what learning means, rather than assuming it is something that only occurs within the classroom.

Expeditions are designed to promote personal growth, social interaction and environmental awareness. At all times students are supported and guided in working together to meet both individual and group challenges, while gaining respect for the environment and understanding of the need for a sustainable future. 

Outdoor Education benefits

We believe that our outdoor education programme benefits all areas of our students academic and personal life, in terms of confidence, self-esteem, social awareness and decision-making.


Through our outdoor education programme we aim to: